michelle, 55, United States, salinas
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用户姓氏 michelle
用户名字 You must be at least a Free member to view this data
出生日期 .05.1969
所属星座 金牛座
Orientation Heterosexual
Body type Average
交友目的 長期的合作關係
国家地区 United States
States/Province Alameda - California - San Franc
ZIP 93901
居住城市 salinas
婚姻状况 单身
孩子数量 没有
身体高度 5'2" (157cm)
身体重量 130 磅 (59公斤)
头发颜色 碧蓝
眼睛颜色 灰色
集團殘疾 有沒有殘疾組
宗教信仰 其他信仰
吸烟习惯 从不吸烟
喝酒习惯 从不喝酒
教育程度 本科生
Known languages English, Deutsch, Español
从事职业 fashion model
业余爱好 reading
疾病 You must be at least a Free member to view this data
个性简述 i am down to earth, passionate, believe in honesty, truth & trust.
believe you should be friends as well as lovers and both play a big part in a relationship.
My hobby / passion is listening to music and watching TV & Am seeking for that trustworthy, caring, understanding, Honest, kind, God fearing and open minded man....I am very easy going with a great sense of honor I hate lie cheat Bc I am a straight forward person you free to ask anything about me But I’m a just a single woman never been married with no kids i like kids but i wish to have a kids soonest....
交友对象 - 性别
Seeking marital status 单身, 离婚, 分居, 丧偶
Seeking children 没有, 1, 2
Seeking hair color 黑色, 碧蓝, 棕色, 浅黑, 栗色, 赤褐, 深蓝, 金色, 红色, 灰色, 银色, 白色, 光秃, 其他
Seeking eyes color 黑色, 棕色, 蓝色, 绿色, 灰色, 其他
Seeking smoking 从不吸烟, 偶尔吸烟, 长期吸烟
Seeking drinking 从不喝酒, 偶尔喝酒
Seeking education 中学生, 大专生, 本科生, 研究生, 硕士生, 研究生 - 本科, 研究生 - 碩士, 獎學金
期望程度的殘疾 有沒有殘疾組, 第一個(大, 第二個(中), 第三個(小)
交友对象 - 年龄 40 - 80
交友对象 - 体高 4'2" (127cm) - 7'0" (213cm)
交友对象 - 体重 80 磅 (36公斤) - 300 磅 (136公斤)
注册日期 23.05.2015, 03:24:58
最近访问 You must be at least a Free member to view this data
用户类型 Free member
User online status You must be at least a Free member to view this data
Blog You must be at least a Free member to view this data
Profile Views 3897
会员信誉 7.000

用户在线: 0 , 请求在线: 24
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