Serg, 37, Ukraine, Киев
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Profil ID#[0000009039]

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Prénom du membre Serg
Anniversaire .09.1987
Signe du Zodiac Balance
Genre Homme
Orientation Heterosexual
Body type Athletic
Type de relation Romantique, Relation sérieuse, Amitié
Pays Ukraine
States/Province Kiev - Київ (Cap) Kyyiv
Ville Киев
Statut actuel Célibataire
Enfants Aucun
Couleur des cheveux Bruns clairs
Couleur des yeux Bleus
Groupe d invalidité Pas de handicap du groupe
Fume Non fumeur
Known languages Deutsch, Русский, Український
Maladies You must be at least a Free member to view this data
A propos Познакомлюсь с девушкой до 40 лет.
Адекватный , спокойный парень,без вредных привычек,не женат,без детей.
Более подробную информацию при знакомстве .) Можно и в телеграмм писать @Telega567.
Cherche Femme
Seeking country Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Albania, Algeria, Angola, Andorra, Antigua and arbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Afghanistan, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Bahrain, Belarus, Belgique, Bulgaria, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Burundi, Vatican City State, United Kingdom, Hungary, Venezuela, Viet Nam, Gabon, Haiti, Guyana, Gambia, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Germany, Gibraltar, Honduras, Hong Kong, Grenada, Greece, Georgia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Zaire, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Israel, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Yemen, Kazakhstan, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Qatar, Kenya, Cyprus, China, Colombia, Congo, Costa Rica, Ivory Coast, Cuba, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Lesotho, Liberia, Lebanon, Libya, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Mauritania, Madagascar, Macedonia, Malaysia, Mali, Malta, Morocco, Mexico, Mozambique, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Namibia, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, Norway, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Guadeloupe, Greenland, Samoa, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Russian Federation, Rwanda, Romania, El Salvador, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Suisse, North Korea, Senegal, Serbia, Singapore, Syria, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, United States, Solomon Islands, Somalia, Sudan, Sierra Leone, Tajikistan, Thailand, Taiwan, Tanzania, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Uruguay, Fiji, Philippines, Finland, France, Croatia, Central African Republic, Chad, Montenegro, Czech Republic, Chile, Switzerland, Sweden, Sri Lanka, Ecuador, Equatorial Guinea, Estonia, Ethiopia, Yugoslavia, South Africa, South Korea, Jamaica, Japan
Seeking marital status Célibataire, Divorcé(e), Séparé(e), Veuf(ve)
Seeking children Aucun, 1
Seeking hair color Noirs, Blonds, Bruns foncés, Bruns clairs, Chatains, Roux, Blond sale, Or, Roux/Rouges, Gris, Argent, Blancs, Chauve, Autre
Seeking eyes color Noirs, Bruns, Bleus, Verts, Gris, Autre
Seeking smoking Non fumeur, Occasionnellement, Régulièrement
Seeking drinking Ne boit jamais, Occasionnellement, Fréquemment
Seeking education Ecole obligatoire, Secondaire supérieur (Lycée, gymnase), Haute école, Licence / Maîtrise Universitaire, Doctorat / Thèse en médecine, , ,
Le degré d invalidité de futur partenaire Pas de handicap du groupe, Groupe de handicap sévère, Le degré moyen d invalidité, Facilité d invalidité
Religion souhaitée Agnostic, Atheist, Baptist, Belief in God, Buddhist, Catholic, Christian, Eastern Orthodox, Humanist, Judaism, Lutheran, Mormon (LDS), Muslim, New Age, Non-believer, Protestant, Other
Age souhaité 20 - 41
Taille souhaitée 4'2" (127cm) - 7'0" (213cm)
Poids souhaité 36kg (80 lbs) - 136kg (300 lbs)
Date denregistrement 29.06.2024, 00:37:36
Dernière visite You must be at least a Free member to view this data
User type Free member
User online status You must be at least a Free member to view this data
Blog You must be at least a Free member to view this data
Profile Views 502
Popularité 0
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